Together we go further

We build a wide range of services in the field of data strategy, operations and compliance. In order to be able to propose you an end-to-end value proposition comprising audit, consulting and service execution, Oakland has created a trusted ecosystem of technology, business and academic expertise

Technology Partners

We are experts in « Data Activation », and to provide the best know-how and the most recent technological solutions available on the market, we rely, when necessary, on partners who allow us to offer you a better service

Business Partners

To complete some of our value propositions and make them more relevant for a sector or territory, we partner with recognized players in their field and/or their scope of development, which sets us apart on the market.

Academic Partners

The world of high education allows openings to vast horizons in terms of cognitive sciences, data sciences, and data analysis, but this sector is also in full digital transformation both from the point of view of the expérience lived by the students than their modus operandi. We have surrounded ourselves with academic organizations to offer a service to match

Créée en 2020, STALKS est une filiale de OAKland Group, groupe suisse dont la mission est de guider les entreprises à travers les défis complexes de la sécurité, du patrimoine, de la valorisation et de la capitalisation des données. Notre objectif ultime est que vous utilisiez les données avec le respect des normes les plus élevées en matière de protection des données, tout en créant de la valeur pour votre entreprise. L’expertise éprouvée d’Oakland en termes de stratégie, de gestion, et de conformité de données, a permis à de nombreuses entreprises d’adopter nos services dans différentes parties du monde.

Siège social

+41 79 593 04 23
Locations :

+33 6 72 96 69 40

+44 7782 872139

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